EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. . . The Other Way of Being Kind

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. . . The Other Way of Being Kind

Hi Friends and Family of the Mentor and Mentee African Initiative (MAMA Initiative)! I promised sharing with us bits of our last gathering so here it is. Yipee!

MAMA CONNECT HUB (Designed to be a leading social-economic gathering of youths were issues around development will be discussed and solution analyzed).

Our April 2019 Topic was “Emotional Intelligence. . . The other way of being kind

Emotional intelligence is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one’s goal(s).

Mr. Ahmed Adekunle (Facilitator) further advised that we consider both ourselves and others while making some decisions. He did this using the table below to analysis situations;





·Consciousness of ability to choose emotions, beliefs, behavior, and Action.


·Intent vs impact

·Perception shifting

·Understanding others

·Organization and community awareness


·Change beliefs and behavior

·Choosing emotions

·Deciding and acting



·Conflict management

·Collaboration and cooperation

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Email: mamainitiativeng@gmail.com

Website: www.mamainitiative.org

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