Our History
The MAMA Initiative is a not-for-profit and non-governmental organization that started as an initiative (Makatiola & Friends) in 2010 to provide aid and basic needs in the little capacity of the founder once in every quarter of a year during his Birthdays, Federal Government approved holidays.
Registered on the 12th of March, 2018, MAMA Initiative hopes to accommodate more initiatives and touch more lives.
Causes We Support
Raise your funds for a cause that you care
Change Lives With a Donation
Giving a donation to MAMA Initiative can help us to reach more people transform their lives for the better.
Our Partners
MAMA Initiatives believes in the power of partnerships and collaborative efforts to bring about change. We partner with key Government and state Institutions, Implementing Partners, Youth organization and Corporate Organizations to form strategic alliances in our commitment to improving access to quality education in Nigeria. Some are >>>

Become a Volunteer
You can contribute your time, skills and knowledge through volunteering with the MAMA Initiatives. This is an opportunity to create a positive impact.